“If you fail to prepare, you are preparing to fail”
A great quote which is transferable across all aspects of life and really does come into play when it comes to nutrition and fitness.
What happens when we run low on food? We nip to the shop unsure of what to have and often our will power fails and we pick up something not as nutritious as it should be or we dial a take away.
By not planning your week out meal wise or at least not filling your cupboards/fridge-freezer with quick go to healthy options, you are setting yourself up for a slippery slope to veer away from your goals.
Take the time to sit down and think about the week ahead. Opt for lean proteins and vege based meals and you can even pick up the ready prepped vege to speed up your meal times. Frozen vege is also a great option. Good quality carbs and fruit and healthy snacks such as nuts, seeds, rice cakes, greek yoghurt can all help to keep you on the straight and narrow.
In today’s day and age you can even opt for ready prepared meal kits send to your home and all you have to do is cook it. There really is no excuse not to live a healthy lifestyle 80-90% of the time.
Also, factor in your treats and yummy foods as like I say, they should not be restricted. No food is bad, just a bad diet on the whole. Plan them and drop the guilt and savour every mouthfuls.
To keep your motivation strong throughout your journey, create a list of reasons for why you want to lose weight. It could be;
NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) is a bit of a buzz word in the fitness industry lately. All it means is your activity outside of your gym training such as;
If you have an active job and you are on your feet all day, this will heavily play into your daily calorie expenditure and help your weight loss (if you are in an overall calorie deficit).
So, if you have a desk job, find a way to be more active such as, standing up more, going to speak to a colleague instead of emailing, using the loo on another floor. Taking the stairs, walking at lunch.
Every step really does add up.
I always recommend to my clients to get a cheap activity tracker to motivate them to keep moving.
Upping your NEAT can be game-changing when it comes to weight loss.
Logging your food either in a paper based diary or via an app can have a huge impact on your long term weight loss.
Becoming accountable to yourself for the food you shove in your mouth can be a real eye opener and turning point. It can help you see trends in your eating and some of the emotional attachment we can often have with the calorie laden, not so nutritious foods. Areas you do well and areas not so much. You can then come up with small manageable goals instead of wading through the dark. If you have PT, they can also help you more accurately too.
If you enjoy figures and numbers and learning about nutrition and how to fuel your body well, logging your food in an app like MyFitnessPal creates that “Log and Learn” effect and more accuracy and the ability to adapt and change the numbers
Some foods like a healthy sandwich can often be quite alarming when it comes to sticking to a calorie and/or macro goal, as they can be huge on the calorie count and often fat split. Often, I’ll scan things before I buy them or read the label and swap them to an alternative which will fit into my goals. We always have our phones, so scan the barcode of your chosen food and see if it works for you.
The longer you do something, the easier it becomes and you wouldn’t just wing it when it comes to fueling your car with petrol or maintaining it would you! Why do that when it comes to fuelling your body?
If you see what you are eating and how much, you can then follow point 2 much better and see clearly what you can and can’t (or should have less of) clearly.
Want to stop late night snacking or carrying on your temptations when you are away from home?
Brush your teeth after your final main meal. This can help just stop you reaching for snacks we are all guilty of doing and very often it can be down to boredom and when we are sat mindlessly watching the tv.
You could even take it a step further (if you can) and actually snuggle up in bed away from the kitchen cupboards and snacks.
Getting enough sleep and losing weight can go hand in hand.
If you can’t get enough, good quality sleep, it can negatively impact your goal of dropping the weight. Obviously getting a good unbroken nights sleep is easier said than done. Working shift patterns, Stress, children up in the night can all prevent it happening.
But, whatever your shift pattern or family set up try and do the following;