February 19, 2019
Knowing your WHY

If you want to lose weight or gain muscle…
….it’s not always going to be easy.
You have to keep hold of your WHY to drive your MOTIVATION.
Is it because you are;
Fed up with your reflection in the mirror?
You want to feel more confident on holiday this year?
You want to live a long and healthy life for your children?
You want to perform better at running or another chosen sport/hobby?
You want to prove to yourself and others around you that you can do it and stick at it?
You have a medical condition which you know could massively improve if you ate better and trained more?
The WHY is personal to you but it must be strong enough to ignite that motivation and drive to keep going.
Some days you will be 100% ON IT and other days motivation and drive will literally be 0% but that ‘s ok.
Just keep your WHY in the forefront of your mind, screen saver, phone, whatever helps you. Progress is NEVER linear.
I always teach my clients to be kind to themselves and when you do mess things up, reset and move on. Tell yourself, it’s ok.
Recognising when you have gone off script is progress too.
We are only human and life, family, job, partner, children, money can all effect you sometimes but it’s important to think..
“…..It’s ok. I know what to do to get back on track.”
Reflect on how far you have come, look through previous measurements, photos to encourage you to keep going. Look around you and think that you could be inspiring someone else on their journey too, so support and encourage them too.
Build that self belief.
Enjoy the journey.
Health & Fitness is for life, it’s not a mad panic to crack the code in a few weeks.
Good habits take time to adjust and implement.
Stop beating yourself up. Change your mindset to realise that losing weight by exercising and watching what you are eating is not a punishment.
You are being kind to yourself.
You want to be here for a while I’m certain of that, .
So treat your body and mind well.
Show up for yourself and just do the best you can
Create that WHY.
To create your WILLPOWER.
And kick start your MOTIVATION.
As always, be the best version of you.
Sarah x