September 9, 2018
Lose Weight In 3 Simple Steps

For me, I now feel under control of my eating habits, but not in a restrictive way at all, I feel -liberated to be honest.
I know that to see results, I have to know what foods I am eating so I do indeed count my calories/macros. Some people may feel this is too much hassle but it really isn’t. Let me explain…
Years ago, I would want to lose weight (fat) but like most thought this would be achieved by not eating, or not eating carbs, high fats or eating anything after 6pm! Oh my lord, how stupid I was. I was left feeling deprived, hungry, angry, sad and pretty much every emotion apart from happy and sustainably slimmer!
Why was this? It’s due to being mislead by weight loss companies, media
There Is So Much Incorrect Advice Given For Weight Loss
A lot of things that are not right about what they believe they should do when they want to lose weight such as cutting our carbohydrates or going low fat or just not eating much in the day.
I ask you to STOP doing this, do not get sucked into the media and the marketing executives of companies trying to sell you the next ‘quick fix weight loss’ meal replacement shakes.
These well known brands will ask you to follow their super low calorie diets to get results and I can assure you that whilst you may see short term results, this approach will only be short term
There Is No Quick Fix Solution For Weight Loss!
Depriving your body of the foods you enjoy is not sustainable! This approach will make you miserable and typically drives he body to crave the foods we have banished from out diet. This approach will challenge even the strongest willed individuals and ultimately leads you to bingeing and then all the hard work in losing is reversed by you putting that weight back on again.
So, what do we do?
To achieve weight loss, you basically need to follow a simple process when defining your new diet program to ensure that your approach is one which provides you with visible results but, more importantly, is sustainable and stops the yo-yo effect that so many of us go through.
The Foolproof 3 Steps Process To Weight Loss
Step 1 - Become Accountable For The Foods That You Are Eating
Start making a food diary, track for a week and then see what you are consuming, you may be surprised at the amount to what you do consume and this highlights how you can make your first steps to starting your own journey.
Step 2 - Review What You Eat And Moderate
After a week of tracking your food intake, You can then look at the foods that you are eating, the amount of calories your consuming and what foods that you need to start to regulate to achieve your goals.
Focus on regulating your consumption of high calorie food types (high is sugar/ fats, you know those foods like chocolate!!!). Don’t cut them out, just reduce the consumption of them so you still get to enjoy them. By moderating them, this in itself will start you on your weight loss journey.
Step 3 - Look At Your Energy Balance
This is important as you now look into the amount of calories you need personally to achieve your goals, whether weight loss or muscle building and then we look to calculate your BMR to understand the calories you need to live. This then gives us a basis to then calculate how many calories you can consume in a day (or week if you prefer) to achieve the goals that you are aiming for.
It is simple and it becomes enjoyable as you start to see the results in the mirror!

Let me know if you need any help, I am always available to provide you with some tips, recommend some companies which I use, you can contact me through the contact form on this website
I hope that this provides you with a slightly different way of thinking about these supplements and how they can benefit you in your own personal goals